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Top 7 Online Learning Tips For Teachers

When the teacher and student are in different locations, remote or distance learning takes place; otherwise, the familiar face-to-face teaching experience cannot take place.

Many teachers, schools, colleges, and universities have shifted to distance learning because it is more appealing. It is possible to teach a large group of students at the same time, or to monitor students and make necessary follow-ups, but all of this must be successful if tutors follow the proper remote learning tips.

Some parents who prefer homeschooling their children’s education have enrolled in distance learning from various institutions, and their children are doing well.

Why is it necessary to conduct remote distance learning?

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted normal learning conditions for students worldwide. Schools and universities have not stopped teaching, but the majority of teachers have chosen Plan B, which is distance learning.

Some schools already had functional distance learning equipment in place and the necessary distance learning tips. For new teachers to be successful, they must follow the standard instructions: be clear to the students, review their progress, check for understanding, and provide feedback.

Some schools only provide paper packets to their students at home, whereas others have gone so far as to ensure that their students have WIFI, learning devices, and well-defined online curricula. Following the pandemic, some curriculum providers have gone above and beyond to provide free distance learning materials.

Distance creates many challenges, and research has shown that distance learning does not work as well as traditional in-person classes. Students who struggle find it difficult to keep up with class progress, and as a result, they suffer academically. However, some tutors and experts have devised strategies to make remote learning a reality.

How Can We Improve Remote Learning?

Distance learning tricks for teachers should be set up in a way that makes teaching students super easy, even if you are just starting or supplementing classroom work.

Distance learning is available through a variety of platforms, including Google Classroom, SeeSaw, Moodle, and Learning Management Systems (LMS). A platform that students can easily access is required for a teacher to achieve their goal of teaching online.

It is preferable to establish expectations for your students. Ensure that students understand what is expected of them and when they should finish their learning. Here are seven distance learning tips for educators.

1. Obtain the attention and participation of students

Tutors wonder how to make distance learning work; well, a teacher must ensure that students participate in online classes. All they have to do is motivate their students and set aside time for learning that is convenient for each student.

For students to be attentive while learning, teachers should express gratitude to them when they offer solutions and encourage others to contribute to learning. Allow students time to write and brainstorm solutions before doing corrections together; this ensures that every student participates in classwork.

2. Concentrate on content rather than comprehension abilities.

One of the most important top distance learning tips is to concentrate on the content. Rather than relying on teaching comprehension skills to students, some may struggle because they have little time to practice them. A teacher should also teach other subjects such as science, history, and social studies.

Students’ curiosity would be piqued by sciences and other disciplines, and they would want to learn more. This would have a significant impact on their general knowledge and even improve how they look at their surroundings and learn more about things that are unfamiliar to them.

Teachers should devote some time to topics in other disciplines that will help students improve their vocabulary and knowledge necessary for comprehension.

3. Maintain simplicity

Nothing beats learning like giving students clear and concise instructions. Among the top distance learning tips, a teacher should be able to detect when students are confused or do not understand instructions, allowing you to progress without falling behind in your course work.

To avoid confusion, if a tutor decides to use a specific platform, it is best to use it throughout the course. In addition, a teacher should continue to remind students of what they have learned and reinforce the topics by providing a clear summary of the issues covered so that students do not forget.

4. Link new and old content and provide examples

Learning is a process, and a small learning tip is that before moving on to a new topic, the teacher should connect it to a previously learned topic. This is also true for classroom learning, so it should be practiced when doing distance learning.

In other disciplines, such as math, before assigning a task to students, the teacher should have an example already worked out, either in video form or while the students are watching. A tutor should explain to students why they are doing what they are doing and the steps to take to arrive at the answer. When this occurs, the students will have no difficulty completing the assignments that have been assigned to them.

5. Ensure that online learning is as interactive as possible.

Teachers who are new to remote learning and wondering how to make distance learning interactive should keep in mind that distance learning should be as interactive as possible, just like classwork.

There are some platforms that teachers can use to assess students after they have completed a topic, such as giving quizzes and receiving immediate feedback from each student.

Even if a teacher does not have access to this platform, asking real-time questions and receiving students’ responses will make the class more interactive, as opposed to when a teacher talks to the students and reads class notes.

6. Make your content mobile-friendly.

Tutors should have revision and learning materials for the classes they will be teaching readily available. Rather than creating new materials each year, a teacher should have a mobile material and make minor changes to keep it relevant.

Students can access mobile materials from anywhere using any device, making it easier to refer to during learning, and even older students may use the materials. With technological advancements, contents can be stored in the cloud and synced with all of the student’s devices for easier access.


Distance learning tricks for teachers may be difficult to implement, but keeping them in mind can have a significant impact on student learning. Many tutors and schools have learned how to provide remote education during this pandemic period, and as time passes, there may be other better ways to improve on these tips. Distance learning is here to stay, even after the pandemic.

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